An interest of mine is the game Portal 2. I think it is a fantastic game that deserves all of the love that it gets. The story is really well done and has created a lot of iconic things in gaming history. The gameplay is a big step up from the first game because of the new mechanics added. One of the mechanics that I personally liked were the repulsion gels because I feel like they shook the gameplay up like no other mechanic. The characters give life to the game and really help immerse the player into the world of Aperture Science. The visuals help show the progression in the story and allows for very unique level design. The co-op mode is really fun and forces both players to think about their role in the puzzle. The co-op also allows you to mess with your friends by giving you ways to kill them or mess with their portals. I could go on and on about how good this game is. Even if you don't typically like fps games I would still really recommend this one it is a

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